Yaw P
Two Ghanaian musicians Yaw P and Temple recently produced a short documentary, titled Acropolis, directed by Breadnyf of Third eye production. The film was based on their 2016 released EP music project also dubbed Acropolis and recently won a Best Film Award at the Urban Film Festival. The documentary takes you behind the scenes and […]
Temple and Yaw P come together to release their most recent EP, the Acropolis. This Ep echoes the need for a fresh home grown sound in the Ghanaian music landscape as it combines Yaw P’s unorthodox productions married to Temple’s raw lyrics. All songs on the EP were produced by Yaw P. So far, songs […]
Cookers & Sinks is first single off the joint EP of Temple and Yaw P dubbed “The Acropolis”. Temple & Yaw P have teamed up to push the envelope of music from Ghana to bring alive a fusion of music cultures from across the globe. The title of their project is “The Acropolis”, it has […]