
Quata Budukusu who early this month released his diss songs “Death to Sark” and “Twist Lessons to Sark” in response to Sarkodie’s “S.H.O.U.T,” has released another single “Ano Dey See You Seff” to complement his tunes. Quata Budukusu is back to his usual best, and there is a clear indication from the “Death to Sark” […]

Tongue Twisting is truly an art; a reinvention of rap, where words flow in a rhythmic chain, linked musically in a perfect skilled beat. This is the creation of Quata Budukusu: a new and unique style within the hip-hop genre, which honors the traditional hip-life while keeping a sharp and modern beat. Since its creation, “Tongue Twisting” in Ghana […]

Quata Budukusu is in the news again as his song, One Life to Live, is included in the USA Coast 2 Coast mixtape. The #NextUp Mixtape vol. 358 released 24 August 2016 in the USA, had Quata Budukusu’s tune on track 8 of 46. Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes is the most downloaded mixtape series in […]

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